Our Staff
Sr. Pastor - J. Stewart Young
Stewart became the Senior Pastor at LPBC in December of 2019. He was born in Montgomery, AL and spent his childhood in various parts of Alabama and Georgia. Although raised in a minister’s home, Stewart did not come to a personal relationship with Christ until the age of 19. Almost from the beginning he felt a call to ministry. Stewart says “Ministry is my heart. Pastoring is not something I do, it’s who I am. I love to communicate the gospel and see lives changed through the power of Christ. My goal is to help others encounter the risen Christ in all His fullness.” His life verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:24 “Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass”. Stewart and his wife, Carol, are committed to Jesus Christ and excited to lead LPBC as we seek God’s vision for His church. Come be a part of this exciting time at LPBC!

Worship Pastor - Anthony Counts
Anthony Counts is the worship pastor of Lake Pointe Baptist Church. He has served the Lord in various capacities for many years, and retired from the full-time pastorate in October of 2015. He has a passion for meaningful, life-changing worship, and is quoted as saying, “Everything we do in the spiritual realm is empowered by our worship”. He and his wife, Sylvia, encourage you to worship with us at Lake Pointe, and see if God will not change your life in very positive ways. The Scriptures clearly teach that acceptable worship is that which is done in spirit and in truth. We invite you to experience that kind of worship every time we meet together.